验证Voxelized Phantom的读入是否正确
Gate在读入Voxelized Phantom的时候似乎总有问题,而且不好检验。
把Collimator做成一个Voxelized Phantom的文件(Interfile格式读入),然后和直接在Gate里通过几何方法描述Collimator的结果进行比较。
1. 文件为128x128x128或更大时读入出错(内存)
2. 首次试验中,collimator没有按照range.dat定义成Lead 。
/gate/vxphantom/geometry/insertReader interfile
GateVGeometryVoxelReader::GateVGeometryVoxelReader: m_voxelTranslator 0
/gate/vxphantom/interfileReader/insertTranslator range
GateVGeometryVoxelReaderMessenger::SetNewValue: newValue (translatorType) : range
/gate/vxphantom/interfileReader/rangeTranslator/readTable collphan_range.dat
GateMaterialDatabase: did not load properties table for material 'Lead'.
This is only a problem when OPTICAL PHOTONS are transported in this material.'
/gate/vxphantom/interfileReader/rangeTranslator/describe 1
Range Translator
Range 0 : imageValue in [ 0.000e+00 , 0.000e+00 ] ---> material Air, visibility 0, coulour (0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,2.000e-01)
Range 1 : imageValue in [ 1.000e+00 , 1.000e+00 ] ---> material Lead, visibility 1, coulour ( 1.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,2.000e-01
/gate/vxphantom/interfileReader/readFile coll_phan_64.h33
Header read from 'coll_phan_64.h33'
Data file name 'coll_phan_64.i33'
Nb of planes: 64
Nb of pixels per plane: 64 64
Pixel size: 1.000e+00 1.000e+00
Slice thickness: 1.000e+00
Matrix size: 6.400e+01 6.400e+01
nx ny nz: 64 64 64
dx dy dz: 1.000e+00 1.000e+00 1.000e+00
world_L is registered to the default region.
Volume of the same name and copy number ("world_P", copy 0) still exists and is being used.
Be warned that this does not necessarily guarantee it's the same
volume you originally specified in /vis/scene/add/.
/vis/scene/notifyHandlers scene-0
/gate/vxphantom/placement/setTranslation 0 0 0 mm
world_L is removed from the default region.
world_L is registered to the default region.
Volume of the same name and copy number ("world_P", copy 0) still exists and is being used.
Be warned that this does not necessarily guarantee it's the same
volume you originally specified in /vis/scene/add/.
/vis/scene/notifyHandlers scene-0
GATE object: 'vxphantom'
Is enabled? Yes
Is the whole world? No
Number of physical volumes: 1
Total volume: 2.621e+02 cm3
GATE object: 'vxphantom'
Shape: box
Length along X: 6.400e+00 cm
Length along Y: 6.400e+00 cm
Length along Z: 6.400e+00 cm
Material: 'Vacuum'
Total volume: 2.621e+02 cm3
Visibility attributes: visible, Colour=(5.000e-01,5.000e-01 ,5.000e-01,1.000e+00), wireframe
Nb of children: 1
child: 'vxphantomVoxel'
Nb of moves: 1
GATE object: 'vxphantom/placement'
Is enabled? Yes
Move type: placement
Translation: 0.000e+00 0.000e+00 0.000e+00 fm
Rotation axis: (0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00)
Rotation angle: 0.000e+00 deg
Nb of repeaters: 0
1 条评论:
Material: 'Vacuum'
说明这个parameterized phantom的材料没有被定义成功。。。
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